venerdì 25 dicembre 2020

the Power of green tea-i love supplements

“Camellia Sinensis” or Green Tea is rich in Catechins, which are antioxidants. The best variety is said to originate from tea farms in China, especially those protected from pesticides. It is best to drink pure green tea without preservatives or other artificial flavors.

Teas have been found to have powerful effects on levels of cholesterol in the blood stream and on your health in general. Green tea in particular can also help in battling cancer. In Japan, it was discovered that drinking 10 or more cups of green tea daily delays the onset of cancer by some nine years among women and about three years in men.

Another source of good green tea is the high-grade tea sold at Japanese Tea Online. These are delicious teas and contain large amounts of polyphenols and flavoniods (catechins which are also immune system boosters), and natural vitamins and minerals. Catechins destroy free radicals. Green tea also has carotenoids, chlorophyll, polysaccharides natural vitamins C and E, manganese, potassium, and zinc, all essential to your health. Pure green tea is said to be 100 times more effective than vitamin C from other sources, and 25 times better than vitamin E from other sources.

You may find green tea mixed with other medicinal herbs in leading drug stores, but rarely can you find pure green tea sold alone. Green tea is usually sold in tea bags, but modern processing has made possible its liquefied form in bottles, and also its powdered form in sachet packages, without damaging its health and healing benefits.

Green tea and other natural food supplements carry micronutrients that feed your immune system and strengthen your body cells. When the immune system becomes stronger, tissue and cell repair is enhanced in a way that the body retains the ability to heal itself; thus, ailments and even serious diseases are healed. It is not the food supplement itself that heals, but the empowered immune system.

A Japanese monk, Eisai, wrote in 1211 AD that (green) tea is a miraculous medicine for the maintenance of health. “Tea has the extraordinary power to prolong life. Anywhere a person cultivates tea, long life will follow.”

Eisai further wrote that tea in general was known as an elixir that created the “immortal” mountain dwellers.

In the 16th century, European explorers were said to have found that tea, especially green tea, was used to treat fever, headache, joint pains, and stomachaches and some other health ailments.Green tea, according to modern nutritionists and herbal medicine experts, can help prevent high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, heart ailments, skin diseases, and lung ailments. It actually delays the aging process. It eliminates distress by refreshing your mind and body

giovedì 24 dicembre 2020

jiu jitsu

Jujitsu is a 2500 year old unarmed combat discipline that has its roots in ancient Japan. The exact date on the creation of this martial art form is hard to trace but techniques resembling that of Jujitsu had already been incorporated into the training methods of the Samurai, from the 8th to the 6th centuries. Earliest Japanese historical records such as the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) and the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) also have passages related to unarmed combat systems.

Before this Japanese martial art developed into what we know as Jujitsu today, there were many other Japanese combat techniques such as Kogusoku, yawara, kumiuchi, and hakuda etc, also collectively known as Sengoku Jujutsu. Traditions finally gave rise to the modern Nihon Jujutsu we know today, which is classified under Edo Jujutsu – the true unarmed Japanese combat system.

Jujitsu gained prominence during the reign of Tokugawa in the 1600s but was soon alienated when Emperor Melse regained power. However, towards the mid-20th century, the ban on Jujitsu in Japan was lifted, following the Meiji restoration, and the combat art form began to be widely practiced.

The Philosophy:

Jujitsu revolves around three basic states of mind – Zanshin, Mushin and Fudoshin. The proper combination of these elements gave the power, preparation and potential to the practitioner to excel in the Jujitsu art.

1. Zanshin – “remaining spirit” – connotes the readiness for anything at any given time.

2. Mushin – “no mind” – Its spontaneity permits instantaneous action without conscious thought.

3. Fudoshin – “immovable mind” -during times of confrontation.

Basic Methods:

Jujitsu is a circular, hard and soft, external combat style. The basic techniques of attacks includes throws, locks, hitting and striking, thrusting and punching, pinning and immobilizing, strangling and joint-locking, with strong emphasis on throws, locks, and defensive techniques. In-fighting and close work are also focused upon.

Even though Jujitsu is basically an unarmed fighting system, small weapons like the Jitte (truncheon), Tanto (knife), or Kakushi Buki (hidden weapons), which include the Ryofundo Kusari (weighted chain) or the Bankokuchoki (a type of knuckle-duster) may also be used in combat.

Competition Systems:

Conventional Jujitsu can be dangerous, or maybe even fatal if its fundamental techniques were to be applied. So, in order to make the art a safer sport for the competitive arena, systems and rules have to be introduced. That is why most of the competition methods have incorporated “Half-contact”, which prohibits serious attempts to knock out an opponent.

1. The Fighting System: This is the most popular method, divided into three phases. The first is for striking only, the second for striking, grappling and throwing, and the third includes ground-fighting such as chokeholds.

2. The Practical System: According to this rule, two defenders are surrounded by four attackers from four corners. Highest points go to the best defender judged upon effectiveness, oversight and control of the situation.

3. The Duo System: In this system, contestants are randomly chosen and awarded points for effective defences. The attacks are divided into four groups of five attacks each.

4. Combat Jujitsu: The most recent system developed in the United States. Victory in the competition is based on submission. The combat round between the two opponents lasts for not more than two minutes.

sabato 2 agosto 2014

essere o non essere...

Alcune donne sono affascinate dal tuo essere in qualche modo originale fuori dagli schemi,apprezzano il tuo modo particolare di relazionarsi con gli altri,con i problemi quotidiani;e diventi quasi un ossessione per loro...vogliono stare con te sempre,giorno e notte condividere tutto....e quando tu cedi a queste sue aspettative....tutto cambia perché diventi ovvio ,prevedibile. Li iniziano i problemi.... Essere o non essere? Se "sei", stai solo, se "non sei"....non vai bene.....ed anche in coppia....fondamentalmente sei solo....

lunedì 23 giugno 2014

Leggerezza emotiva

L'attacamento inganna mille volte e ci porta a vivere tutto in modo troppo personale,a risentirci per qualsiasi cosa; ...quante volte ho vissuto questa situazione. Bisognerebbe imparare a farsi scivolare via tutto quello che emotivamente ci investe, come fossimo ricoperti di una sostanza scivolosa che non permette a niente di afferrarci......"leggerezza emotiva";...non prendere tutto particolare noi stessi....troppo sul serio. A volte puo' capitare di essere accusati di superficialita'......menefreghismo..;.ma solo da chi e' talmente invischiato nelle sue problematiche quotidiane, da non permettersi di credere, che si possa trovare un equilibrio dentro di se ;
e dare l' equa dimensione ai fatti della vita che ci accadono e alle emozioni che viviamo... Ecco..."leggerezza emotiva", ma se volete chiamarla "superficialita'", bene lo stesso.... P.Astaire


Liberatevi della paura di fallire, della preoccupazione di riuscire, e sarete voi stessi. Rilassatevi. Non guidereste, come state facendo ora, con il piede sul freno. Ecco cosa accadrebbe!!!!(A.De mello)

martedì 5 febbraio 2013

La reazione

Perche' si scatena la reazione?da dove nasce questa incontrollabile pulsione quando veniamo feriti emotivamente?sopratutto quando ci troviamo nella sfera dei sentimenti?penso che al perche' si possa rispondere riconoscendo l'incapacita di accettare e lasciar andare.
Di accettare che le persone non sono sotto il nostro controllo,possono cambiare idea....sbagliare....fare colpi di testa....e anche decidere di sparire all improvviso dalla nostra vita....senza un apparente motivo.
Ma questa cosa difficile da accettare ferisce il nostro ego nel profondo,scatena ricordi atavici di abbondono.....e ci lascia inermi......
Quindi parte la reazione dell animale ferito,che a sua volta cerca di ferire in modo superiore all 'offesa ricevuta......pensando di trarre sollievo dal restituire nn intuendo che non fa altro che sprofondarsi in esso sempre di piu.

venerdì 21 dicembre 2012


A volte ci si domanda come mai di alcune storie conserviamo qualcosa e di altre poco o niente,tendendo a dimenticarle..... secondo me il motivo sta nel fatto che alcune relazioni ,nonostante siano finite creando comunque della sofferenza,sono state basate sulla sincerita'..di conseguenza i bei momenti rimangono cosi' impressi nella nostra mente.
Cosa si intende per sincerita'? io intendo ,avere una storia con una persona che si manifesta per quello che e'.....cioe' si mostra a noi nella sua essenza ....e quindi cio' che viviamo con lei e' realmente passionale.....e ci segna dentro.
Il problema nasce quando vivi un rapporto basato sull inganno,ovvero con una persona che finge di esser quello che non e',magari anche con se stessa.....e di conseguenza quando realizzi questo.....riconosci che anche tutti quei momenti che dovevano essere indimenticabili.....non erano costruiti.........una recita'.
Cosi'.....ti rendi conto che anche soffrire per una cosa che effettivamente....non era......non ha nessun senso......meglio dimenticare e ricominciare.
paul astaire